
deleting myspace soon!

October 28, 2007 • Sunday

victory song
Current mood: worried
sometimes you hear a song it pulsates through your body, hitting every nerve muscle, bone, every single cell. it radiates in your brain and slips off your tongue and out your lips without even realizing it. i tend to find these songs during parts of my life that i feel stress or am struggling though. even if i'm not the one struggling. i have friends that are right now and it makes me hurt for them. who knew to check your neck? not me. one girlfriend has for some time now and has struggled about removing her thyroid. she decided to do it, and found out it was cancer. she has cancer. it's hard to type, it's even harder to say out loud. this woman is special to me. to many others. and i know she must be scared. i am scared. one of our other best friends had a scare about testicle cancer, he will be okay, it was a cyst, on his nut. but it's not cancer. he's sore from the surgery, but he's not sore from radiation/chemo. sometimes you hear a song, and it turns something on inside you. it makes you feel connected somehow to something/someone it reminds you of. and that will last your lifetime, you hear a song, you think of someone, a moment, a smell. i'm not sure how to talk to my friend about the cancer that has infected her body. I want to tell her i'll fight it with her, i'll help kick it's ass. and when we do we'll have a victory song. i'm not sure why the song i hear makes me think of her, i think part of it is how i feel the emotion coming through the singers voice, "everythings gonna be alright" that's the line. i know it will be.
Currently listening:
As I Am
By Alicia Keys
Release date: 13 November, 2007
9:19 PM
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October 11, 2007 • Thursday

Oklahoma Centennial
My close friends know my love for Oklahoma. I have t-shirts, pins, buttons, necklaces, a kids place setting, stickers, licence plate cover, licence plate...soon, and a patch thing. I LOVE Oklahoma. We went to see the play when it came through on opening night, we're having a centennial party with our friends. I'm planning on getting an Oklahoma themed tatoo. It's nuts. I'm nuts. I'm so proud though. I never waiver when someone asks me where I am from. I love to travel, but I'm positive that I will always come back home. My family, my closest friends are here. My memories are here. My heart is here, in Oklaoma. I lived in Dallas for a while, Houston too. I haven't been many places, but I do know how great our state is. I wish more people did too. I'm proud of our music scene, i feel like we are getting some really good bands at some smaller venus. Our restaraunts are fantastic, shopping could be better, no doubt, but i hear some stores are in the works. We have a great future, i hope everyone stays here, not moving to other bigger cities, and enjoys it, shapes it, makes it brighter. CELEBRATE OKLAHOMA!!!! WOOT!
Currently listening:
Oklahoma! Broadway (1979 Broadway Revival Cast)
By Oscar Hammerstein II
Release date: 25 October, 1990
9:20 AM
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6 Kudos
August 22, 2007 • Wednesday

austin city limits???
Current mood: okay
so ben and i are discussing NOT going to ACL. we bought tickets a few months back for fri. sat. and sunday festivities and now we are unsure if we can really afford it! grrrr. we really want to go, but are trying to be responsible. grrr. if we decide to sell them, does anyone have any suggestions where we should sell them???
Currently listening:
Austin City Limits Music Festival: 2005
By Various Artists
Release date: 20 June, 2006
9:22 AM
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April 28, 2007 • Saturday

haiku for beemer's upcoming race
Current mood:sweeeet

Watch him run swiftly

Sparklepop the race is off!

Spring sprung Beemer won!

9:07 AM
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February 15, 2007 • Thursday

lily allen concert
Current mood: good
Category: Music
HELLO! so last friday, MFC and I were IMing back and forth as we usually do. She tells me her friend got her two tickets to see lily allen at webster hall, but alas, MFC had NO friends to with her. meh. I tell her I would LOVE to join her, jokingly. And then we started looking for tickets! HA! We found a cheap ticket that would fly out the next morning at 6AM and arriving at LGA at 11:52. SWEEET! I called ben and exlplained to him the importance of going. (the week before i wanted to go and we both said "not now, we're remodeling our kitchen.") I told him i found a cheap ticket. had a place to stay. cheap concert ticket. it would be a cheap trip. and it was. the only thing i really bought was food. lots of food. and i have pictures to prove it. i even went to H&M and was having a fatty mcfatterson day. so i just got some accessories, and some stuff for benny. so, check out my pictures and i think i have a video of lily too! woot!
10:08 AM
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2 Kudos
October 27, 2006 • Friday

walk the walk, but can you talk the talk?
Category: Music

i've had this cd since it came out in 2000. i just recently listened to it again, it's fabulous! i'm going through a time in my life where i feel like i don't speak my mind. i feel timid at times doing so, b/c i feel like i won't be able to back up what i say. i'm the person who thinks about a conversation and i say to myself, I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS! after its too late. therefore, i stay quiet most of the time. i hate mis-speaking, saying the "wrong" thing. well, i'm tired of feeling this way. i want to say what i want with out regrets. i want people to know what i REALLY think. it's not always pleasing to others though, but i'm getting over that, slowly. i'm starting to not care so much what people think of me. it's tough. i listen to this song though and for some reason it goes to the core of me. i turn it up in the car and JAM. i LOVE it. LOVE. that's why i'm sharing it.

xoxoxo - ash

walk the walk

by poe

Mother spent ten years sitting by a window
Scared if she spoke she would die of a heart attack
She listened as her dreams silently screamed
They drowned like little dolphins caught in a fishnet

Dear world I'm pleased to meet you

Hey everybody when you walk the walk
You gotta back it all up can you talk the talk?
Hey everybody when I hear the knock
Don't wanna measure out my life to the tick of a clock

Hey everybody when my daddy died
He had a sad sad story living in his eyes
Hey everybody when you walk the walk
You can not measure out your life to the tick of a clock

I wanna walk to the beat of my own drum
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drum
Walk to the beat of my own drum
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drum

Hey everybody
When you walk the walk
You gotta back it all up
Can you talk the talk?

Hey everybody
When I hear the knock
You wanna measure out my life
To the tick of a clock
Hey every-, hey everybody
Can you walk the walk?

I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
Walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)

Walk to the beat of my own drum
I wanna live to the beat of my own drum
I wanna laugh to the beat of my own drum
I wanna hang ten, hi, say pleased to meet you

Take to the beat of my own drum
I wanna give to the beat of my own drum
Fly, cry, win, lose, live, die, take five
Pleased to meet you

My daddy spent ten years living on the outside looking in
He thought that he would never get back, hey, get back
Watched his dream walk across a silver screen
And he was standing there when the theater went pitch black

Dear world I'm pleased to meet you

Hey everybody when I walk the walk
I gotta back it all up can I talk the talk?
Hey everybody when I hear the knock
Don't wanna measure out my life to the tick of a clock

Hey every-,
Hey every-,
Hey every-,
Hey everybody
Can you walk the walk?

Walk, walk, walk
Can you walk the walk?

I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
Walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
(Say wha-wha-what you wanna?)

Play to the beat of my own drum
I wanna sing to the beat of my own drum
I wanna play to the beat of my own drum
I wanna hang ten, hi, say pleased to meet you
Screw up to the beat of my own drum
I wanna dig it out of dirt and do it to my drum
Scream shout
Wipe out
Win, lose, wipe out
Saunter down my street
Make love to my baby
To my baby
Make love to my baby
To my baby, oh

Father :
It's a wonderful idea, but it doesn't work.

My own drum, my own beat
My own drum, my own beat

Did you ever get the feeling that it's really a joke
You think you've got it figured out and then you find that you don't
So you say goodbye to the world and now you're floating in space
You got no sense of nothing not even a time or a place
Suddenly you hear it is the beat of your heart
And for the first time in your life you know your life is about to start
Oh, yeah, when you're alone

Hey everybody
Hey everybody
Hey everybody when you walk the walk
You gotta back it up, back it up, back it up, back it what?
Say wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what you wanna?
Say wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what you wanna?

I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
Hey everybody, hey everybody
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums
Hey everybody, hey everybody
I wanna walk to the beat of my own drums

Daughter :
There's someone knocking in the wall. Was it like an echo?
Ba da pa pa...
Currently listening:
By Poe
Release date: 31 October, 2000
2:18 PM
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2 Kudos
October 18, 2006 • Wednesday

saying thanks
Current mood: happy
Category: Romance and Relationships

we're celebrating 4 years of marriage today. i thought it was 5, but Ben said no. Then he made fun of me. how awesome is that? i gave ben a card this morning, and he said he would have mine at lunch. how awesome is that! he makes me laugh. he makes me think too. he's very interesting to me, still, after being together since 1999! ben and i don't really talk during dinner. we figured this out a couple years ago. we thought it might be bad at first but then decided that it's okay b/c we like to eavesdrop on the people around us, therefore we need to be quiet. it's so fun, being in love. of course not every moment is pure bliss. for instance, last halloween. i went to dead mans ball with friends and he never showed up. that's b/c he wrecked our car. he was guilty of drinking frozen cosmos with our close friends. (yes frozen cosmos!) he decided to drive real fast after that and hit something and broke the axle. i didn't talk to him for three days. that story will always be awesome. thanks ben! i'm in love. it's pretty easy. i'm not sure if ben makes it easy for me, or if it's just easy b/c we're in love? does that make since? anyways, today, 4 years ago we had the most amazing wedding and the BEST reception EVER. at least i think so.
Currently listening:
Sinatra: Vegas (Box Set, 4CD/1DVD)
By Frank Sinatra
Release date: 07 November, 2006
10:10 AM
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4 Kudos
August 23, 2006 • Wednesday

buzzard, bat and the bumble bee

Flight of the Buzzard, the Bat, & the Bumble Bee

BUZZARD: If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

BAT: The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkably nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

BUMBLEBEE: A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.

PEOPLE: In many ways, we are like the buzzard, the bat, and the bumblebee. We struggle about with all our problems and frustrations, never realizing that all we have to do is look up. Sorrow looks down, worry looks around, but hope always looks up.

Live Simply

Love Generously

Care Deeply

Speak Kindly and look up ..
8:51 AM
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June 14, 2006 • Wednesday

The end of an era
Current mood: sad

Ben and I took the purple people eater to the salvage yard today. I wasn't sad until he said "i'll take her". She's been a good car, my mom and I got her when the brown bomb finally bombed out. I was 18 and this was the coolest car around. It had racing stripes too, which made it way faster. Lots of memories go along with this car. It drove me, jamie and brady to Miami and back one spring. Someone cut the air valve and scratched my car with it one night at White House. I drove Kass home one night from Norman b/c her mom kept calling and screaming at me, who knew she would ever go 120 down I-240! I'm pretty sure jamie threw up out the window one night and I hate to admit it, but when I drove home with one eye open some nights, she got me home safe and sound. The AC wasn't hooked up right when i first got her, so when i would make a right hand turn a big pile of slushy cold water would spill onto my feet. Actually the AC didn't work so well for the most part, which is fine b/c i really like driving with the windows down and the sun roof open. Jamie and I listened to our mixed tapes on the way to Stillwater. Tons of memories. Almost 10 years worth. Here's to the '92 Honda Prelude!!!!!

( i tried posting a pic on here, but didn't work, so it's my profile pic)

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