
It's a BOY!


Ben and I found out in april that we would be expecting another bundle of joy come this Christmas time. Due date is Dec 21st to be exact. Poor kid. Anywho, we decided to have a reveal party for our family and friends and it was so much fun. We took an envelope to the ultrasound. Had the tech put the results in the enevelope and seal it up. I dropped it off at the baker and my mom picked them up for the party. It was so nice to have everyone over. It's always interesting having so many people in our tiny house. But i love it. We fixed taco salad for dinner. We forgot to put out the salad part until everyone went through the line. :) The best part, of course, was taking a bit into the cupcake to see the surprise BLUE color filled inside. The picture is of C and Tapaw. You can tell she was pumped we had blue icing!
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